Miscellaneous Knowledge

Sacrificing items
Even though the gods of Avanor interfere very rarely in the affairs of most mortals, surely it can never be a bad thing to keep on their good side? If your hero is pious, or simply wishes to keep the gods sweet, you may wish to use the 's' or '_' command to sacrifice an item to them. Who knows what good it may do you, or what harm it may avert? You may sacrifice anywhere, but if you can find a god's altar, sacrificing something on it may be more effective.

In various parts of the land of Avanor you may find shops, which might sell anything from food to magical items. To buy an item in a shop, just use the ',' command to pick it up.

In happier times, before the evil fell upon the land of Avanor, shopkeepers were trusting souls who would happily let people browse the shelves at leisure, collecting what they wanted and then paying for everything they'd picked up. Alas, rogues and knaves took advantage of the shopkeepers' good nature, so now the Avanor Guild of Merchants, Shopkeepers and Tradesfolk have put in place a rule that you must pay for each item as you pick it up; no more filling your shopping basket with goods and then running out of the shop!

You should pay the shopkeeper for whatever you buy, using the 'P' ('pay') or 'g' ('give') command to hand over money as payment. If you leave a shop without paying, the shopkeeper will calculate interest on your debt, and you had better be sure that you can pay both principal and interest when you next return!

Some items can be sold in shops by dropping them with the 'd' command. Not all shopkeepers will buy all items.